Abstract submission > Procedure for abstract submission

Procedure for abstract submission

1. To submit an abstract for either an oral or poster presentation, you will need a Sciencesconf.org account. If you do not have one, please refer to the following link to create your account in a few steps: https://portal.sciencesconf.org/user/create

2. Once your account is created, please go back to the conference website (jcc2025.sciencesconf.org) and log in. The Login button is on the top right hand corner. Enter your username and password, then validate. You will subsequently redirected to your personal page where you will be able to submit an abstract by clicking the My Submissions button in the My Space section. Fill in the form and submit your abstract.

3. Please use the following template to submit your file: abstract template

Abstract submission deadline:  November 22nd, 2024

4. Please notice that each participant will be allowed to submit only one abstract contribution as presenting author (either oral or poster). No restriction applies for non-presenting co-authorships. For organizational reasons, only abstracts of fully registered participants will be consider in the selection step for oral communication.

5. The Scientific committee of the congress will select abstracts submitted for oral contributions. Presenting authors will be notified of the selection result by November 30th, 2024. Abstracts that will not be selected for oral communication will be automatically accepted for poster presentation.

6. Abstracts, slides and presentation should be given in English.

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