General information


Address and GPS coordinates

17 avenue des Sciences, 91400 Orsay, France
Latitude 48.711944
Longitude 2.172845

The number of parking places available around the building is really limited so we strongly recommend you to come using public transportation.


By public transportation

3 possibilities :

Get to RER B / RER C Station Massy-Palaiseau, take:

  • bus 91-06 | Frequency : 6 min peak-hours & 30 min off-peak-hours
    20 min ride, stop « Université Paris-Saclay », or
  • bus 91-10 | Frequency : 30 min peak-hours & 1h off-peak-hours
    20 min ride stop « Université Paris-Saclay »

Get to RER B Station Le Guichet, take:

  • bus 91-06 | Frequency : 6 min peak-hours & 30 min off-peak-hours
    5 min ride, stop « Université Paris-Saclay », or
  • bus 9 | Frequency : 4 min peak-hours & 30 min off-peak-hours
    5 min ride stop « Université Paris-Saclay », or
  • bus 91-08 | Frequency : 10 min peak-hours & 1h off-peak-hours

Get to RER B Station Orsay-Ville, take:

  • bus 7 | Frequency : 8 min peak-hours & 20 min off-peak-hours
    7 min ride, stop « Université Paris-Saclay »


By plane

Orly airport, take :

  • OrlyVal | Frequency 5 to 7 min,
    6 min ride, stop RER B station « Antony» (see above “Access by public transportation”), or
  • bus 91-10 | Frequency : 30 min peak-hours & 1h off-peak-hours
    1h10 min trip, Stop « Université Paris-Saclay »$

Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport, take :

  • RER B (see above “Access by public transportation”)
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